南澳新政—Benefit to the state.
针对南澳州的regional area 投资, 而不是阿德莱德地区,则满足生意的金额有很大的变化。
Regional Concessions – Benefit to State Requirements
2.5 To encourage investment outside of the capital city of Adelaide, the benefit to State requirements for State nomination are lower for country regional areas outside of greater Adelaide. A regional business is defined as a business located in an area outside of metropolitan Adelaide. If insufficient evidence is supplied the regional concession will be refused and you must meet the standard benefit to state requirements based on your age.
2.5.1 Clients must be living and conducting business in regional South Australia.
2.5.2 To be defined as living in a regional are of South Australia the main client must have spent most of their time in the regional location and be able to provide evidence associated with living in that location. Evidence can include utility bills, purchase or rental of a house, other evidence showing involvement with the local regional community.
2.5.3 To be defined as conducting business in regional South Australia the physical location of the business and or the sourcing of the products must be regional.
如何定义为Regional Area州政府也给了非常明确的定义。
1. 申请人必须居住并且在南澳的偏远地区做生意
2. 申请人必须有账单,可以是购买或者是租赁的房屋
3. 公司的地址或者是产品必须来自偏远地区。
1. 根据客户需求,量身定制商务考察团,提前联系州政府预约投资项目
2. 为客户提供出口分销渠道,做到移民+投资全方位协助
机会来之不易, 有意向的申请人一定要提前联系, 申请商考团位置以及预约见面的时间等。同时,分销渠道的分销能力毕竟有限,需要提前确定以及预约在澳洲的考察时间。请大家一定要提前联系我们的澳创移民顾问。